Wednesday 22 September 2010

BBC commissions new set of Doctor who games

After the impressive success of the first batch of Doctor Who: The Adventure Games recently released online by the BBC, a new set has already been commissioned for next year.

Given that the first three 'episodes' (designed to partner the TV series) were downloaded over 1.6 million times, it's fair to say that the games are providing a great counterpoint to the television series. A key part of the games' success appears to lie in the authenticity of the material; the main characters of the Doctor and Amy Pond are voiced by the real-life actors (Matt Smith and Karen Gillan), whilst a number of scriptwriters for the show, including Steven Moffat, have worked on the games themselves. So, any fans expecting a naff spin-off with cheesy voice acting and weak stories will be pleasantly surprised by the effort put in by the BBC and the developers, Sumo Digital.

Simon Nelson, BBC vision's head of multiplatform, said: "Given the success of the first series, we'd be daft not to recomission. But it's not just about the numbers; the feedback we've had has been overwhelmingly positive. Our audience has been introduced to a new form of drama - and, for many, these have been the first computer games they have downloaded. We've set new standards in audience participation - and we think we've really helped push the concept of families actively playing together."

This is an important starting point for the BBC, as they've been making a concerted effort to break into new digital avenues of late; gaming would present a popular way to reach a new generation of computer-literate fans, particularly the younger audiences, and help sustain interest in the franchise in between the filming breaks. A fourth title in the first series is due to be released towards the end of the year, and with Smith and Gillan signed up for the next batch of games, we're expecting the Doctor's games to slip in to our lives as if they've always been there. But he won't be pulling any of that fancy time-travel stuff, as we've got control al delete for him to contend with. And a dodgy graphics card.

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